Website for Finzen

Website for Finzen

FM Invest are specialists in the banking sector. They rely on hard data. "The calculator does not lie" is the motto, which is meant to confirm the professionalism of services and the accuracy of decisions. For over 8 years, they have been supporting businesses and individual clients in the acquisition of capital and optimisation of the financing structure.

Jak w przypadku większości nowych marek, które budują strony internetowe w oparciu o realny feedback, wybór padł na narzędzie składające się z jednej podstrony (tzw. one page) z opcją dalszej rozbudowy. Istotne było przedstawienie atutów marki Finzen – doświadczenia i stałej kadry.


We drew attention to the very high rotations in the financial advisory industry, where account managers change several times in a year, and the young age of consultants means the public increasingly less trusts the sector. Therefore, we chose the picture of an experienced advisor for the main page of the website, who sees on the opposite side a client and his/her needs, and not a commission table.

Information architecture

In creating the information architecture of the website, we clearly communicated the information that was most often discussed at meetings – the advantages of cooperation, the method of operation and remuneration.

We used the bevels not only to separate individual sections but also to expose the CTA, distinguishing them with gold texture.

Our clients’ successes

During the development of the website, we prepared new sections. Our clients’ successes – is a section presenting case studies, as befits Finzen, the benefits were shown in the form of hard data – in tables.

Long-term rental

On the other hand, long-term rental is a sub-page that explains to the recipient, what this service consists of, shows examples of implementations and indicates the differences between it and leasing. Also, the sub-page acts as a landing page for an advertising campaign in search engines.

Social media

For graphics published in social media, we prepared an individual layout, which thanks to the distinctive motifs allows you to distinguish between the posts and facilitate the identification of content published by Finzen.