Quelta visual identity
Scope of work: brand visual identity, products visual identity, brand guidelines, business stationery

Sożal Window Factory in Solec is a company with 25 years history in the manufacture of window frames. The specialized factory, advanced technological park, tested materials and the highest quality components is the recipe for a premium class window. Although the products were technologically and qualitatively superior to competition, recipient did not identify them as such.
Sożal window factory entrusted us with the task of developing a new brand identity that will show the true qualities of the windows and make them be recognizable as a premium.
Visual identity
While designing the visual form of the name, we focused on highlighting the advantages of the product. We used shades of grey that allude to precious metal to emphasize quality, and with the help of window edges we highlighted the advantages – the interiors of the window.

Identyfikacja wizualna produktów
Na podstawie opracowanej architektury nazewniczej zaprojektowaliśmy identyfikację wizualną dla produktów marki Quelta.

Visual Identity
See what else we have done for this brand
Identyfikacja wizualna
Materiały promocyjne
Strony internetowe
Wizualizacje 3D
Kompleksowe realizacje