Visual Identity Rebranding of Pyrkon Fan Convention Visual identity for the Amazepack packaging manufacturer Zmień kategorię realizacji Rebranding of Interfreight a logistics company Wszystkie Naming Promo materials Websites 3D Visualisations Visual Identity Comprehensive projects Festiwal Fantastyki Pyrkon Visual Identity Tags: Brand guidelines Business stationery Key Visual Logo Rebranding Visual identity Client: Stowarzyszenie Klub Fantastyki „Druga Era” Year: 2018
Festiwal Fantastyki Pyrkon Visual Identity Tags: Brand guidelines Business stationery Key Visual Logo Rebranding Visual identity Client: Stowarzyszenie Klub Fantastyki „Druga Era” Year: 2018
Visual identity for Jupi a delicacy for dogs Maced Visual Identity for Shieltec Shieltec Visual identity for Finzen FM Invest Rebranding of Interfreight a logistics company Interfreight