Visual Identity Visual identity for Jupi a delicacy for dogs Scope of work: visual identity, packaging, promo materials Visual identity for Finzen Zmień kategorię realizacji Quelta visual identity Wszystkie Naming Promo materials Websites 3D Visualisations Visual Identity Comprehensive projects Jupi Visual Identity Tags: Logo Packaging Promotional materials Visual identity Client: Maced Year: 2012 The project was implemented by Brand Relations, Ocean Studio and Oktagon Studio operating under the joint name Wellbrand. They mentioned companies are the co-authors of this project. Since February 2016, Brand Relations has belonged to Tinssen.
Jupi Visual Identity Tags: Logo Packaging Promotional materials Visual identity Client: Maced Year: 2012 The project was implemented by Brand Relations, Ocean Studio and Oktagon Studio operating under the joint name Wellbrand. They mentioned companies are the co-authors of this project. Since February 2016, Brand Relations has belonged to Tinssen.
Visual Identity for Shieltec Shieltec Quelta visual identity Sożal Window Factory in Solec Rebranding of Interfreight a logistics company Interfreight Rebranding of Pyrkon Fan Convention Stowarzyszenie Klub Fantastyki „Druga Era”